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ESTA Application Form
Contact information
Travel information
Information of the travelers
You only need to fill in your contact and travel details once. Next, fill in the details of the traveller.
Email address
Phone number
Postal code
Select a Option
Afghanistan (AFG)
Åland (ALA)
Albania (ALB)
Algeria (DZA)
American Samoa (ASM)
Andorra (AND)
Angola (AGO)
Anguilla (AIA)
Antarctica (ATA)
Antigua and Barbuda (ATG)
Argentina (ARG)
Armenia (ARM)
Aruba (ABW)
Australia (AUS)
Austria (AUT)
Azerbaijan (AZE)
Bahrain (BHR)
Bangladesh (BGD)
Barbados (BRB)
Belarus (BLR)
Belgium (BEL)
Belize (BLZ)
Benin (BEN)
Bermuda (BMU)
Bhutan (BTN)
Bolivia (BOL)
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba (BES)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)
Botswana (BWA)
Bouvet Island (BVT)
data-value="br">Brazil (BRA)
British Indian Ocean Territory (IOT)
British Virgin Islands (VGB)
Brunei (BRN)
Bulgaria (BGR)
Burkina Faso (BFA)
Burma (BUR)
Burundi (BDI)
Cambodia (KHM)
Cameroon (CMR)
Canada (CAN)
Canton and Enderbury Islands (CTE)
Cape Verde (CPV)
Cayman Islands (CYM)
Central African Republic (CAF)
Chad (TCD)
Chile (CHL)
China (CHN)
Christmas Island (CXR)
Cocos (Keeling) Islands (CCK)
Colombia (COL)
Comoros (COM)
Congo-Brazzaville (COG)
Congo-Kinshasa (COD)
Cook Islands (COK)
Costa Rica (CRI)
Croatia (HRV)
Cuba (CUB)
Curacao (CUW)
Cyprus (CYP)
Czech Republic (CZE)
Democratic Republic Yemen (YMD)
Denmark (DNK)
Djibouti (DJI)
Dominica (DMA)
Dominican Republic (DOM)
Dutch Antilles (ANT)
East Timor (TLS)
East Timor (TMP)
Ecuador (ECU)
Egypt (EGY)
El Salvador (SLV)
Equatorial Guinea (GNQ)
Eritrea (ERI)
Estonia (EST)
Ethiopia (ETH)
Falkland Islands (FLK)
Faroe Islands (FRO)
Fiji (FJI)
Finland (FIN)
France (FRA)
French Guinea (GUF)
French Polynesia (PYF)
French Southern and Antarctic Lands (ATF)
Gabon (GAB)
Gambia (GMB)
Georgia (GEO)
Germany (D)
Ghana (GHA)
Gibraltar (GIB)
Greece (GRC)
Greenland (GRL)
Grenada (GRD)
Guadeloupe (GLP)
Guam (GUM)
Guatemala (GTM)
Guernsey (GGY)
Guinea (GIN)
Guinea-Bissau (GNB)
Guyana (GUY)
Haiti (HTI)
Heard Island and McDonald Islands (HMD)
Honduras (HND)
Hong Kong (HKG)
Hungary (HUN)
Iceland (ISL)
India (IND)
Indonesia (IDN)
Iran (IRN)
Iraq (IRQ)
Ireland (IRL)
Isle of Man (IMN)
Israel (ISR)
Italy (ITA)
Ivory Coast (CIV)
Jamaica (JAM)
Japan (JPN)
Jersey (JEY)
Johnston (JTN)
Jordan (JOR)
Kazakhstan (KAZ)
Kenya (KEN)
Kirghizia (KGZ)
Kiribati (KIR)
Kosovo (KVV)
Kuwait (KWT)
Laos (LAO)
Latvia (LVA)
Lebanon (LBN)
Lesotho (LSO)
Liberia (LBR)
Libya (LBY)
Liechtenstein (LIE)
Lithuania (LTU)
Luxembourg (LUX)
Macau (MAC)
Macedonia (MKD)
Madagascar (MDG)
Malawi (MWI)
Malaysia (MYS)
Maldives (MDV)
Mali (MLI)
Malta (MLT)
Marshall Islands (MHL)
Martinique (MTQ)
Mauritania (MRT)
Mauritius (MUS)
Mayotte (MYT)
Metropolitan France (FXX)
Mexico (MEX)
Micronesia (FSM)
Midway (MID)
Moldavia (MDA)
Monaco (MCO)
Mongolia (MNG)
Montenegro (MNE)
Montserrat (MSR)
Morocco (MAR)
Mozambique (MOZ)
Myanmar (MMR)
Namibia (NAM)
Nauru (NRU)
Nepal (NPL)
Netherlands (NLD)
Neutral Zone (NTZ)
New Caledonia (NCL)
New Zealand (NZL)
Nicaragua (NIC)
Niger (NER)
Nigeria (NGA)
Niue (NIU)
Norfolk (island) (NFK)
North Korea (PRK)
Northern Mariana Islands (MNP)
Norway (NOR)
Oman (OMN)
Pakistan (PAK)
Palau (PLW)
Palestine (PSE)
Panama (PAN)
Papua New Guinea (PNG)
Paraguay (PRY)
Peru (PER)
Philippines (PHL)
Pitcairn Islands (PCN)
Poland (POL)
Portugal (PRT)
Puerto Rico (PRI)
Qatar (QAT)
Queen Maud Land (DML)
Reunion (REU)
Romania (ROM)
Russia (RUS)
Rwanda (RWA)
Saint Barthélemy (BLM)
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha (SHN)
Saint Kitts and Nevis (KNA)
Saint Lucia (LCA)
Saint Martin (MAF)
Saint Pierre and Miquelon (SPM)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VCT)
Samoa (WSM)
San Marino (SMR)
Sao Tomé and Principe (STP)
Saudi-Arabia (SAU)
Senegal (SEN)
Serbia (SRB)
Serbia and Montenegro (SCG)
Seychelles (SYC)
Sierra Leone (SLE)
Singapore (SGP)
Sint Maarten (SXM)
Slovakia (SVK)
Slovenia (SVN)
Solomon Islands (SLB)
Somalia (SOM)
South Africa (ZAF)
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGS)
South Sudan (SSD)
South-Korea (KOR)
Spain (ESP)
Sri Lanka (LKA)
Sudan (SDN)
Suriname (SUR)
Svalbard and Jan Mayen (SJM)
Swaziland (SWZ)
Sweden (SWE)
Switzerland (CHE)
Syria (SYR)
Taiwan (TWN)
Tajikistan (TJK)
Tanzania (TZA)
Thailand (THA)
The Bahamas (BHS)
Togo (TGO)
Tokelau (TKL)
Tonga (TON)
Trinidad and Tobago (TTO)
Tunisia (TUN)
Turkey (TUR)
Turkmenistan (TKM)
Turks and Caicos Islands (TCA)
Tuvalu (TUV)
Uganda (UGA)
Ukraine (UKR)
United Arab Emirates (ARE)
United Kingdom (GBR)
data-value="us">United States (USA)
United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands (UMI)
United States Virgin Islands (VIR)
Uruguay (URY)
Uzbekistan (UZB)
Vanuatu (VUT)
Vatican City (VAT)
Venezuela (VEN)
Vietnam (VNM)
Wake Island (WAK)
Wallis and Futuna (WLF)
Western Sahara (ESH)
Yemen (YEM)
Zaire (ZAR)
Zambia (ZMB)
Zimbabwe (ZWE)
Fill in your arrival date. If you do not know the exact date yet, make an estimate.
Expected arrival
Travel purpose
Select a Option
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Are you travelling to the USA on a direct transit to another country?
Point of contact
Do you have a contact person in the United States, such as a friend, acquaintance, family member, colleague or an overnight address?
Phone number
Emergency contact
Who can the U.S. immigration service contact in case of an emergency? This can also be someone living outside of the USA.
First name
Last name
Email address
Phone number
Passport information
First Name
Last Name
Date of birth
Place of birth
Country of birth
Select a Country
Afghanistan (AFG)
Åland (ALA)
Albania (ALB)
Algeria (DZA)
American Samoa (ASM)
Andorra (AND)
Angola (AGO)
Anguilla (AIA)
Antarctica (ATA)
Antigua and Barbuda (ATG)
Argentina (ARG)
Armenia (ARM)
Aruba (ABW)
Australia (AUS)
Austria (AUT)
Azerbaijan (AZE)
Bahrain (BHR)
Bangladesh (BGD)
Barbados (BRB)
Belarus (BLR)
Belgium (BEL)
Belize (BLZ)
Benin (BEN)
Bermuda (BMU)
Bhutan (BTN)
Bolivia (BOL)
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba (BES)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)
Botswana (BWA)
Bouvet Island (BVT)
data-value="br">Brazil (BRA)
British Indian Ocean Territory (IOT)
British Virgin Islands (VGB)
Brunei (BRN)
Bulgaria (BGR)
Burkina Faso (BFA)
Burma (BUR)
Burundi (BDI)
Cambodia (KHM)
Cameroon (CMR)
Canada (CAN)
Canton and Enderbury Islands (CTE)
Cape Verde (CPV)
Cayman Islands (CYM)
Central African Republic (CAF)
Chad (TCD)
Chile (CHL)
China (CHN)
Christmas Island (CXR)
Cocos (Keeling) Islands (CCK)
Colombia (COL)
Comoros (COM)
Congo-Brazzaville (COG)
Congo-Kinshasa (COD)
Cook Islands (COK)
Costa Rica (CRI)
Croatia (HRV)
Cuba (CUB)
Curacao (CUW)
Cyprus (CYP)
Czech Republic (CZE)
Democratic Republic Yemen (YMD)
Denmark (DNK)
Djibouti (DJI)
Dominica (DMA)
Dominican Republic (DOM)
Dutch Antilles (ANT)
East Timor (TLS)
East Timor (TMP)
Ecuador (ECU)
Egypt (EGY)
El Salvador (SLV)
Equatorial Guinea (GNQ)
Eritrea (ERI)
Estonia (EST)
Ethiopia (ETH)
Falkland Islands (FLK)
Faroe Islands (FRO)
Fiji (FJI)
Finland (FIN)
France (FRA)
French Guinea (GUF)
French Polynesia (PYF)
French Southern and Antarctic Lands (ATF)
Gabon (GAB)
Gambia (GMB)
Georgia (GEO)
Germany (D)
Ghana (GHA)
Gibraltar (GIB)
Greece (GRC)
Greenland (GRL)
Grenada (GRD)
Guadeloupe (GLP)
Guam (GUM)
Guatemala (GTM)
Guernsey (GGY)
Guinea (GIN)
Guinea-Bissau (GNB)
Guyana (GUY)
Haiti (HTI)
Heard Island and McDonald Islands (HMD)
Honduras (HND)
Hong Kong (HKG)
Hungary (HUN)
Iceland (ISL)
India (IND)
Indonesia (IDN)
Iran (IRN)
Iraq (IRQ)
Ireland (IRL)
Isle of Man (IMN)
Israel (ISR)
Italy (ITA)
Ivory Coast (CIV)
Jamaica (JAM)
Japan (JPN)
Jersey (JEY)
Johnston (JTN)
Jordan (JOR)
Kazakhstan (KAZ)
Kenya (KEN)
Kirghizia (KGZ)
Kiribati (KIR)
Kosovo (KVV)
Kuwait (KWT)
Laos (LAO)
Latvia (LVA)
Lebanon (LBN)
Lesotho (LSO)
Liberia (LBR)
Libya (LBY)
Liechtenstein (LIE)
Lithuania (LTU)
Luxembourg (LUX)
Macau (MAC)
Macedonia (MKD)
Madagascar (MDG)
Malawi (MWI)
Malaysia (MYS)
Maldives (MDV)
Mali (MLI)
Malta (MLT)
Marshall Islands (MHL)
Martinique (MTQ)
Mauritania (MRT)
Mauritius (MUS)
Mayotte (MYT)
Metropolitan France (FXX)
Mexico (MEX)
Micronesia (FSM)
Midway (MID)
Moldavia (MDA)
Monaco (MCO)
Mongolia (MNG)
Montenegro (MNE)
Montserrat (MSR)
Morocco (MAR)
Mozambique (MOZ)
Myanmar (MMR)
Namibia (NAM)
Nauru (NRU)
Nepal (NPL)
Netherlands (NLD)
Neutral Zone (NTZ)
New Caledonia (NCL)
New Zealand (NZL)
Nicaragua (NIC)
Niger (NER)
Nigeria (NGA)
Niue (NIU)
Norfolk (island) (NFK)
North Korea (PRK)
Northern Mariana Islands (MNP)
Norway (NOR)
Oman (OMN)
Pakistan (PAK)
Palau (PLW)
Palestine (PSE)
Panama (PAN)
Papua New Guinea (PNG)
Paraguay (PRY)
Peru (PER)
Philippines (PHL)
Pitcairn Islands (PCN)
Poland (POL)
Portugal (PRT)
Puerto Rico (PRI)
Qatar (QAT)
Queen Maud Land (DML)
Reunion (REU)
Romania (ROM)
Russia (RUS)
Rwanda (RWA)
Saint Barthélemy (BLM)
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha (SHN)
Saint Kitts and Nevis (KNA)
Saint Lucia (LCA)
Saint Martin (MAF)
Saint Pierre and Miquelon (SPM)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VCT)
Samoa (WSM)
San Marino (SMR)
Sao Tomé and Principe (STP)
Saudi-Arabia (SAU)
Senegal (SEN)
Serbia (SRB)
Serbia and Montenegro (SCG)
Seychelles (SYC)
Sierra Leone (SLE)
Singapore (SGP)
Sint Maarten (SXM)
Slovakia (SVK)
Slovenia (SVN)
Solomon Islands (SLB)
Somalia (SOM)
South Africa (ZAF)
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGS)
South Sudan (SSD)
South-Korea (KOR)
Spain (ESP)
Sri Lanka (LKA)
Sudan (SDN)
Suriname (SUR)
Svalbard and Jan Mayen (SJM)
Swaziland (SWZ)
Sweden (SWE)
Switzerland (CHE)
Syria (SYR)
Taiwan (TWN)
Tajikistan (TJK)
Tanzania (TZA)
Thailand (THA)
The Bahamas (BHS)
Togo (TGO)
Tokelau (TKL)
Tonga (TON)
Trinidad and Tobago (TTO)
Tunisia (TUN)
Turkey (TUR)
Turkmenistan (TKM)
Turks and Caicos Islands (TCA)
Tuvalu (TUV)
Uganda (UGA)
Ukraine (UKR)
United Arab Emirates (ARE)
United Kingdom (GBR)
data-value="us">United States (USA)
United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands (UMI)
United States Virgin Islands (VIR)
Uruguay (URY)
Uzbekistan (UZB)
Vanuatu (VUT)
Vatican City (VAT)
Venezuela (VEN)
Vietnam (VNM)
Wake Island (WAK)
Wallis and Futuna (WLF)
Western Sahara (ESH)
Yemen (YEM)
Zaire (ZAR)
Zambia (ZMB)
Zimbabwe (ZWE)
Passport number
Passport issuing date
Passport expiry date
Nationality or citizenship of another country.
Does this traveller have, or has he/she ever had, the nationality or citizenship of any other country?
Select a Option
Afghanistan (AFG)
Åland (ALA)
Albania (ALB)
Algeria (DZA)
American Samoa (ASM)
Andorra (AND)
Angola (AGO)
Anguilla (AIA)
Antarctica (ATA)
Antigua and Barbuda (ATG)
Argentina (ARG)
Armenia (ARM)
Aruba (ABW)
Australia (AUS)
Austria (AUT)
Azerbaijan (AZE)
Bahrain (BHR)
Bangladesh (BGD)
Barbados (BRB)
Belarus (BLR)
Belgium (BEL)
Belize (BLZ)
Benin (BEN)
Bermuda (BMU)
Bhutan (BTN)
Bolivia (BOL)
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba (BES)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)
Botswana (BWA)
Bouvet Island (BVT)
data-value="br">Brazil (BRA)
British Indian Ocean Territory (IOT)
British Virgin Islands (VGB)
Brunei (BRN)
Bulgaria (BGR)
Burkina Faso (BFA)
Burma (BUR)
Burundi (BDI)
Cambodia (KHM)
Cameroon (CMR)
Canada (CAN)
Canton and Enderbury Islands (CTE)
Cape Verde (CPV)
Cayman Islands (CYM)
Central African Republic (CAF)
Chad (TCD)
Chile (CHL)
China (CHN)
Christmas Island (CXR)
Cocos (Keeling) Islands (CCK)
Colombia (COL)
Comoros (COM)
Congo-Brazzaville (COG)
Congo-Kinshasa (COD)
Cook Islands (COK)
Costa Rica (CRI)
Croatia (HRV)
Cuba (CUB)
Curacao (CUW)
Cyprus (CYP)
Czech Republic (CZE)
Democratic Republic Yemen (YMD)
Denmark (DNK)
Djibouti (DJI)
Dominica (DMA)
Dominican Republic (DOM)
Dutch Antilles (ANT)
East Timor (TLS)
East Timor (TMP)
Ecuador (ECU)
Egypt (EGY)
El Salvador (SLV)
Equatorial Guinea (GNQ)
Eritrea (ERI)
Estonia (EST)
Ethiopia (ETH)
Falkland Islands (FLK)
Faroe Islands (FRO)
Fiji (FJI)
Finland (FIN)
France (FRA)
French Guinea (GUF)
French Polynesia (PYF)
French Southern and Antarctic Lands (ATF)
Gabon (GAB)
Gambia (GMB)
Georgia (GEO)
Germany (D)
Ghana (GHA)
Gibraltar (GIB)
Greece (GRC)
Greenland (GRL)
Grenada (GRD)
Guadeloupe (GLP)
Guam (GUM)
Guatemala (GTM)
Guernsey (GGY)
Guinea (GIN)
Guinea-Bissau (GNB)
Guyana (GUY)
Haiti (HTI)
Heard Island and McDonald Islands (HMD)
Honduras (HND)
Hong Kong (HKG)
Hungary (HUN)
Iceland (ISL)
India (IND)
Indonesia (IDN)
Iran (IRN)
Iraq (IRQ)
Ireland (IRL)
Isle of Man (IMN)
Israel (ISR)
Italy (ITA)
Ivory Coast (CIV)
Jamaica (JAM)
Japan (JPN)
Jersey (JEY)
Johnston (JTN)
Jordan (JOR)
Kazakhstan (KAZ)
Kenya (KEN)
Kirghizia (KGZ)
Kiribati (KIR)
Kosovo (KVV)
Kuwait (KWT)
Laos (LAO)
Latvia (LVA)
Lebanon (LBN)
Lesotho (LSO)
Liberia (LBR)
Libya (LBY)
Liechtenstein (LIE)
Lithuania (LTU)
Luxembourg (LUX)
Macau (MAC)
Macedonia (MKD)
Madagascar (MDG)
Malawi (MWI)
Malaysia (MYS)
Maldives (MDV)
Mali (MLI)
Malta (MLT)
Marshall Islands (MHL)
Martinique (MTQ)
Mauritania (MRT)
Mauritius (MUS)
Mayotte (MYT)
Metropolitan France (FXX)
Mexico (MEX)
Micronesia (FSM)
Midway (MID)
Moldavia (MDA)
Monaco (MCO)
Mongolia (MNG)
Montenegro (MNE)
Montserrat (MSR)
Morocco (MAR)
Mozambique (MOZ)
Myanmar (MMR)
Namibia (NAM)
Nauru (NRU)
Nepal (NPL)
Netherlands (NLD)
Neutral Zone (NTZ)
New Caledonia (NCL)
New Zealand (NZL)
Nicaragua (NIC)
Niger (NER)
Nigeria (NGA)
Niue (NIU)
Norfolk (island) (NFK)
North Korea (PRK)
Northern Mariana Islands (MNP)
Norway (NOR)
Oman (OMN)
Pakistan (PAK)
Palau (PLW)
Palestine (PSE)
Panama (PAN)
Papua New Guinea (PNG)
Paraguay (PRY)
Peru (PER)
Philippines (PHL)
Pitcairn Islands (PCN)
Poland (POL)
Portugal (PRT)
Puerto Rico (PRI)
Qatar (QAT)
Queen Maud Land (DML)
Reunion (REU)
Romania (ROM)
Russia (RUS)
Rwanda (RWA)
Saint Barthélemy (BLM)
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha (SHN)
Saint Kitts and Nevis (KNA)
Saint Lucia (LCA)
Saint Martin (MAF)
Saint Pierre and Miquelon (SPM)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VCT)
Samoa (WSM)
San Marino (SMR)
Sao Tomé and Principe (STP)
Saudi-Arabia (SAU)
Senegal (SEN)
Serbia (SRB)
Serbia and Montenegro (SCG)
Seychelles (SYC)
Sierra Leone (SLE)
Singapore (SGP)
Sint Maarten (SXM)
Slovakia (SVK)
Slovenia (SVN)
Solomon Islands (SLB)
Somalia (SOM)
South Africa (ZAF)
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGS)
South Sudan (SSD)
South-Korea (KOR)
Spain (ESP)
Sri Lanka (LKA)
Sudan (SDN)
Suriname (SUR)
Svalbard and Jan Mayen (SJM)
Swaziland (SWZ)
Sweden (SWE)
Switzerland (CHE)
Syria (SYR)
Taiwan (TWN)
Tajikistan (TJK)
Tanzania (TZA)
Thailand (THA)
The Bahamas (BHS)
Togo (TGO)
Tokelau (TKL)
Tonga (TON)
Trinidad and Tobago (TTO)
Tunisia (TUN)
Turkey (TUR)
Turkmenistan (TKM)
Turks and Caicos Islands (TCA)
Tuvalu (TUV)
Uganda (UGA)
Ukraine (UKR)
United Arab Emirates (ARE)
United Kingdom (GBR)
data-value="us">United States (USA)
United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands (UMI)
United States Virgin Islands (VIR)
Uruguay (URY)
Uzbekistan (UZB)
Vanuatu (VUT)
Vatican City (VAT)
Venezuela (VEN)
Vietnam (VNM)
Wake Island (WAK)
Wallis and Futuna (WLF)
Western Sahara (ESH)
Yemen (YEM)
Zaire (ZAR)
Zambia (ZMB)
Zimbabwe (ZWE)
Has this traveller ever been issued a passport or other official identification document from another country, other than the country that issued the passport that is being used to apply for this ESTA? It does not matter if the passport or official identification document is currently valid.
Travel document
Identity card
Select a nationality
Afghanistan (AFG)
Åland (ALA)
Albania (ALB)
Algeria (DZA)
American Samoa (ASM)
Andorra (AND)
Angola (AGO)
Anguilla (AIA)
Antarctica (ATA)
Antigua and Barbuda (ATG)
Argentina (ARG)
Armenia (ARM)
Aruba (ABW)
Australia (AUS)
Austria (AUT)
Azerbaijan (AZE)
Bahrain (BHR)
Bangladesh (BGD)
Barbados (BRB)
Belarus (BLR)
Belgium (BEL)
Belize (BLZ)
Benin (BEN)
Bermuda (BMU)
Bhutan (BTN)
Bolivia (BOL)
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba (BES)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)
Botswana (BWA)
Bouvet Island (BVT)
data-value="br">Brazil (BRA)
British Indian Ocean Territory (IOT)
British Virgin Islands (VGB)
Brunei (BRN)
Bulgaria (BGR)
Burkina Faso (BFA)
Burma (BUR)
Burundi (BDI)
Cambodia (KHM)
Cameroon (CMR)
Canada (CAN)
Canton and Enderbury Islands (CTE)
Cape Verde (CPV)
Cayman Islands (CYM)
Central African Republic (CAF)
Chad (TCD)
Chile (CHL)
China (CHN)
Christmas Island (CXR)
Cocos (Keeling) Islands (CCK)
Colombia (COL)
Comoros (COM)
Congo-Brazzaville (COG)
Congo-Kinshasa (COD)
Cook Islands (COK)
Costa Rica (CRI)
Croatia (HRV)
Cuba (CUB)
Curacao (CUW)
Cyprus (CYP)
Czech Republic (CZE)
Democratic Republic Yemen (YMD)
Denmark (DNK)
Djibouti (DJI)
Dominica (DMA)
Dominican Republic (DOM)
Dutch Antilles (ANT)
East Timor (TLS)
East Timor (TMP)
Ecuador (ECU)
Egypt (EGY)
El Salvador (SLV)
Equatorial Guinea (GNQ)
Eritrea (ERI)
Estonia (EST)
Ethiopia (ETH)
Falkland Islands (FLK)
Faroe Islands (FRO)
Fiji (FJI)
Finland (FIN)
France (FRA)
French Guinea (GUF)
French Polynesia (PYF)
French Southern and Antarctic Lands (ATF)
Gabon (GAB)
Gambia (GMB)
Georgia (GEO)
Germany (D)
Ghana (GHA)
Gibraltar (GIB)
Greece (GRC)
Greenland (GRL)
Grenada (GRD)
Guadeloupe (GLP)
Guam (GUM)
Guatemala (GTM)
Guernsey (GGY)
Guinea (GIN)
Guinea-Bissau (GNB)
Guyana (GUY)
Haiti (HTI)
Heard Island and McDonald Islands (HMD)
Honduras (HND)
Hong Kong (HKG)
Hungary (HUN)
Iceland (ISL)
India (IND)
Indonesia (IDN)
Iran (IRN)
Iraq (IRQ)
Ireland (IRL)
Isle of Man (IMN)
Israel (ISR)
Italy (ITA)
Ivory Coast (CIV)
Jamaica (JAM)
Japan (JPN)
Jersey (JEY)
Johnston (JTN)
Jordan (JOR)
Kazakhstan (KAZ)
Kenya (KEN)
Kirghizia (KGZ)
Kiribati (KIR)
Kosovo (KVV)
Kuwait (KWT)
Laos (LAO)
Latvia (LVA)
Lebanon (LBN)
Lesotho (LSO)
Liberia (LBR)
Libya (LBY)
Liechtenstein (LIE)
Lithuania (LTU)
Luxembourg (LUX)
Macau (MAC)
Macedonia (MKD)
Madagascar (MDG)
Malawi (MWI)
Malaysia (MYS)
Maldives (MDV)
Mali (MLI)
Malta (MLT)
Marshall Islands (MHL)
Martinique (MTQ)
Mauritania (MRT)
Mauritius (MUS)
Mayotte (MYT)
Metropolitan France (FXX)
Mexico (MEX)
Micronesia (FSM)
Midway (MID)
Moldavia (MDA)
Monaco (MCO)
Mongolia (MNG)
Montenegro (MNE)
Montserrat (MSR)
Morocco (MAR)
Mozambique (MOZ)
Myanmar (MMR)
Namibia (NAM)
Nauru (NRU)
Nepal (NPL)
Netherlands (NLD)
Neutral Zone (NTZ)
New Caledonia (NCL)
New Zealand (NZL)
Nicaragua (NIC)
Niger (NER)
Nigeria (NGA)
Niue (NIU)
Norfolk (island) (NFK)
North Korea (PRK)
Northern Mariana Islands (MNP)
Norway (NOR)
Oman (OMN)
Pakistan (PAK)
Palau (PLW)
Palestine (PSE)
Panama (PAN)
Papua New Guinea (PNG)
Paraguay (PRY)
Peru (PER)
Philippines (PHL)
Pitcairn Islands (PCN)
Poland (POL)
Portugal (PRT)
Puerto Rico (PRI)
Qatar (QAT)
Queen Maud Land (DML)
Reunion (REU)
Romania (ROM)
Russia (RUS)
Rwanda (RWA)
Saint Barthélemy (BLM)
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha (SHN)
Saint Kitts and Nevis (KNA)
Saint Lucia (LCA)
Saint Martin (MAF)
Saint Pierre and Miquelon (SPM)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VCT)
Samoa (WSM)
San Marino (SMR)
Sao Tomé and Principe (STP)
Saudi-Arabia (SAU)
Senegal (SEN)
Serbia (SRB)
Serbia and Montenegro (SCG)
Seychelles (SYC)
Sierra Leone (SLE)
Singapore (SGP)
Sint Maarten (SXM)
Slovakia (SVK)
Slovenia (SVN)
Solomon Islands (SLB)
Somalia (SOM)
South Africa (ZAF)
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGS)
South Sudan (SSD)
South-Korea (KOR)
Spain (ESP)
Sri Lanka (LKA)
Sudan (SDN)
Suriname (SUR)
Svalbard and Jan Mayen (SJM)
Swaziland (SWZ)
Sweden (SWE)
Switzerland (CHE)
Syria (SYR)
Taiwan (TWN)
Tajikistan (TJK)
Tanzania (TZA)
Thailand (THA)
The Bahamas (BHS)
Togo (TGO)
Tokelau (TKL)
Tonga (TON)
Trinidad and Tobago (TTO)
Tunisia (TUN)
Turkey (TUR)
Turkmenistan (TKM)
Turks and Caicos Islands (TCA)
Tuvalu (TUV)
Uganda (UGA)
Ukraine (UKR)
United Arab Emirates (ARE)
United Kingdom (GBR)
data-value="us">United States (USA)
United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands (UMI)
United States Virgin Islands (VIR)
Uruguay (URY)
Uzbekistan (UZB)
Vanuatu (VUT)
Vatican City (VAT)
Venezuela (VEN)
Vietnam (VNM)
Wake Island (WAK)
Wallis and Futuna (WLF)
Western Sahara (ESH)
Yemen (YEM)
Zaire (ZAR)
Zambia (ZMB)
Zimbabwe (ZWE)
Document number
Document expiration year
Fill in the names of the parents of this traveller (biological, adoptive, step or foster parents, even if they are no longer alive).
Father's last name
Father's first name
Mother's last name
Mother's first name
Does this traveller have a current or former employer? Also choose "Yes" if this traveller is self-employed.
Name employer
Select a Option
Quick Option
Austria (AUT)
Belgium (BEL)
Czech Republic (CZE)
France (FRA)
Germany (D)
Greece (GRC)
Ireland (IRL)
Italy (ITA)
Luxembourg (LUX)
Netherlands (NLD)
Poland (POL)
Spain (ESP)
Switzerland (CHE)
United Kingdom - British Citizen (GBR)
All Countries
Andorra (AND)
Australia (AUS)
Austria (AUT)
Belgium (BEL)
Brunei (BRN)
Chile (CHL)
Croatia (HRV)
Czech Republic (CZE)
Denmark (DNK)
Estonia (EST)
Finland (FIN)
France (FRA)
Germany (D)
Greece (GRC)
Hungary (HUN)
Iceland (ISL)
Ireland (IRL)
Italy (ITA)
Japan (JPN)
Latvia (LVA)
Liechtenstein (LIE)
Lithuania (LTU)
Luxembourg (LUX)
Malta (MLT)
Monaco (MCO)
Netherlands (NLD)
New Zealand (NZL)
Norway (NOR)
Poland (POL)
Portugal (PRT)
San Marino (SMR)
Singapore (SGP)
Slovakia (SVK)
Slovenia (SVN)
South-Korea (KOR)
Spain (ESP)
Sweden (SWE)
Switzerland (CHE)
United Kingdom - British Citizen (GBR)
Background questions
Question 1. Does this traveller have a physical or mental affliction which could pose a threat to their environment; does this traveller use drugs; or does this traveller currently suffer from a serious contagious disease?
Question 2: Has this traveller ever been arrested or convicted of a crime that led to serious material damage or serious harm to another person, or damage to a government institution?
Question 3. Has this traveller ever broken a law regarding possession, use or distribution of illegal narcotics?
Question 4. Is this traveller planning, or has this traveller ever planned to take part in terrorist actions, espionage, sabotage or genocide?
Question 5. Has this traveller ever attempted to fraudulently purchase a visa or entry to the United States for themselves or for others?
Question 6. Is this traveller currently looking for work in the United States or has this traveller worked in the United States in the past without prior permission by the U.S. government?
Question 7. Has this traveller ever been denied a visa for the USA, or has this traveller ever been denied access to the United States, or has this traveller ever withdrawn a request for access to the United States?
Question 8. Has this traveller ever stayed in the United States for longer than the period of admission granted to them by the American authorities?
Question 9. Has this traveller been to Cuba, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, Somalia and/or Syria on or after 1 March 2011, or does this traveller have the nationality of one of these countries?
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